Tuesday 13 December 2011

A Post-it Romance

The Green Dragon pub located at the end of Surrey Street is a fantastic drinking hole for both the fine-ale-rustic-patron and strawberry-beer-contemporary-drinker, the interior is a classic take on traditional pub meets modern vertical space yet on the exterior it seems the Green Dragon has curiously branched into modern art. In an effortless but effective move, the pub decided almost over night after the Croydon riots to allow patrons to write a message of hope on a post-it note and stick it to the window facing onto the street. Needless to say the post-it numbers grew exponentially and in a short space of time became a very powerful cultural statement, which I believe was massively overlooked especially the new social streetscape that was created next to that post-it window. 

The fires were effective only through the fact that they are easily seen and felt, it was the physicality of it that was striking to us, where as the influence of pen and paper can be immense whilst remaining at a human scale. Or as old boy modernist Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe put it ‘Less is More’.


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